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Yellow Wood Sorrel: Weed Control Fishers

Everything you need to know about Yellow Wood Sorrel:

Yellow wood sorrel is a plant/weed that we see quite often in Central Indiana.  It is a native perennial that produces tiny yellow flowers.  In turf grass it is considered a weed and can be prevented or controlled.  We will give you some insight on this plant and how to get rid of it if you want a thick lush lawn.  Weed Control is a great option in preventing Yellow Wood Sorrel from coming up in your lawn. 

Lawn Weed: Yellow Wood Sorrel
Yellow Wood Sorrel, Indianapolis weed that can be treated.

Where can you find Yellow Wood Sorrel:

Wood Sorrel is a native perennial and very common to see.  It grows in just about any condition however, it likes dry to slightly moist environments.  You can find it in landscape beds around shrubs and plants, in the lawn, in cracks in the driveway, meadows, etc.  It also thrives full sun to partial shade.  With that being said, it can grow just about anywhere, but it is fairly easy to get rid of with proper weed control.  However, the proper control depends on where the plant in located.

Growing Season for Yellow Wood Sorrel:

This native weed typically is seen late spring to early fall time frame.  It will grow up to a foot tall unless it is being mowed on a weekly basis.  If left untreated, it will continue to grow the entire season.

How to treat Yellow Wood Sorrel:

Weed Control for Yellow Wood Sorrel is pretty basic.  There are 2 pieces…  Is the weed in a landscape bed by itself or is it mixed in with grass? 

If the weed is in a landscape bed, it is best practice to spray the weed on a sunny day with little to no wind with a product that includes Glysophate.  Make sure you read the product label and follow all the directions before you spray anything.  The mix rate must be consistent with the directions for the product to be effective. 

If the Yellow Wood Sorrel is in the turf, then you will need to spot spray with a product containing Triclopyr.  Triclopyr is a selective herbicide that only acts on specific plants and leave the grass alone.  Make sure to read the label and follow all directions.  Make sure to know which variety of grass you have in your lawn to know which weed control product you are safely able to use.

Next, you will want to add mulch to your landscape beds to help prevent it that way or you need to aerate and overseed your lawn with a hardy grass variety like Turf Type Tall Fescue.  The goal is to grow a lawn so thick that weeds have no room to grow.  Now this will take a few years, but can be achieved if your goal is a healthy thick lawn.

Need some Weed Control help?

If you need any help with fertilization and weed control, feel free to give our office a call at 317-748-3153.  We service Indianapolis, Broad Ripple, Meridian Kessler, Westfield and Fishers.  We know sometimes it is best to bring in the professionals to take care of the dirty work.  If you wish do request a free estimate via our website, click here.  If you are looking for another great source, we recommend the Purdue Turf Science Program.