Indianapolis Weed Control: Everything you need to know about Dandelions
Everything you need to know about Dandelions:
You’ve seen them, the pretty yellow flowers of spring… They pop up in your lawn unannounced and begin to multiple. To some they are a source of food and beauty, to others, they are a menace. You got that right; we are talking Dandelion’s! More importantly, how do you control these pesky weeds to keep your lawn beautiful.

Where you can find Dandelions:
Dandelions can be found all over the Midwest especially here in Indianapolis and our surrounding suburbs. They are a perennial plant that grows about 8 inches tall. Dandelions can be found in lawns, cracks in pavement, parks, etc. They love full sun, but can also grow in partial shade.
Growing Season for Dandelions:
You will notice Dandelions rapidly growing starting in spring but they can remain all the way into the fall if left untouched.
How do we treat Dandelions:
Treating Dandelions is a process. They typically take multiple treatments. We recommend multiple rounds (2) of pre-emergent herbicide. These herbicides are not solely directed at controlling Dandelions, they will help prevent any spring weed from germinating. Then we recommend post-emergent herbicides to help rid any weeds that surface. Pre-emergent is not 100% full proof and there will be some weeds that pop up afterwards. This is why you need post emergent herbicides to be applied at later application dates.
It is best to treat the weed during its active growing cycle. Dandelions have deep taproots. If you attempt to pull them the stem will break off from the tap root and the dandelion will regenerate. You need to kill the root.
The best cultural practice to fight against weeds is a really thick lush lawn. The thicker your lawn, the harder it is for weeds to find space to grow. Mow your lawn tall so the root systems can develop and help push out those pesky weeds!!
Need some help?
If you need any help with Dandelion control, feel free to give our office a call at 317-748-3153. We service Indianapolis, Broad Ripple, Meridian Kessler, Westfield and Fishers. We know sometimes it is best to bring in the professionals to take care of the dirty work. If you wish do request a free estimate via our website, click here. If you are looking for another great source, we recommend the Purdue Turf Science Program. Check it out here.